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Veneers vs. Lumineers — Which Should You Choose?

February 20, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adcallen @ 12:30 pm
Close-up of woman’s perfect teeth with porcelain veneers or Lumineers

Are you ready to enhance your smile? Porcelain veneers are widely regarded as one of the best ways to hide flaws in teeth and achieve a Hollywood-style grin. However, other treatments, like Lumineers, are also popular. Which should you choose for yourself? Let’s compare these two options so you can prepare to make an informed decision about how to transform your look.


Discover the Top 5 Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

February 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adcallen @ 2:50 pm
Relaxed dental patient enjoying benefits of sedation dentistry

Do you enjoy visiting the dentist? Many people look forward to their checkups and cleanings because their appointments give them a fresh mouth and a healthier smile. Others, though, feel a touch of anxiety when they think about visiting the dentist, whether they need a cleaning, a filling, or a more extensive procedure. If that is true of you, you might benefit from sedation dentistry. Let’s discuss how it can help you feel more relaxed at your next dental appointment. We’ll also talk about some of the other remarkable advantages that it offers.


How Can Dental Implants Improve My Confidence?

January 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adcallen @ 1:52 am
mature Woman smiling with dental implants

For people who are missing teeth, it can be harder to feel confident when showing off their smile. In addition to having noticeable gaps between the teeth, it can be more difficult to eat, speak, and hold saliva in the mouth. It can even cause jawbone deterioration and a loss of facial structure. The good news is that you have several tooth-replacement options to choose from depending on your needs, including dental implants. Continue reading to learn from your dentist in Allen how implants can improve your confidence!


What Issues Can Keep Me from Getting Dental Implants?

January 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adcallen @ 1:35 am
mature man smoking

With modern dental technology, there are several different options out there when it comes to replacing your missing teeth. One that has become very popular over the last few years is dental implants. This is because they have a wide variety of different benefits. However, dental implants in Allen aren’t for everyone. Continue reading to learn about some issues that could keep you from getting dental implants in the future.


How Safe Is Nitrous Oxide?

December 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — adcallen @ 8:50 pm
Machine with nozzles for nitrous oxide, oxygen, and air

If you hesitate to schedule dental appointments because you are nervous about receiving treatment, you may be thinking about choosing a practice that offers nitrous oxide sedation. After all, it can help you relax, and it doesn’t involve the use of needles. Seems like a pretty sweet deal, right? Still, you might wonder if nitrous oxide is safe. The good news is that for the vast majority of patients, this form of sedation poses little to no risk. Let’s talk more about it and its safety considerations.


5 Ways to Fix Your Teeth on a Budget

December 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — adcallen @ 6:31 pm
Young couple in dental office, learning about dental financing

Does your smile need a little professional TLC? You might hesitate to schedule the necessary dental work because you are concerned about cost. That is completely understandable. The last thing your general or cosmetic dentist wants is for you to feel like you cannot afford your treatment. Fortunately, dental financing and other provisions may be able to help you achieve a healthier, more attractive smile without breaking the bank.


4 Thanksgiving Side Dishes to Avoid For Better Oral Health

November 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — adcallen @ 8:43 pm
Thanksgiving dishes on a table

It can be hard to turn down many of the most delectable side dishes on Thanksgiving. With both savory and sweet options, you may try to convince yourself that indulging in your favorites isn’t so bad, right? Unfortunately, eating too much of anything can be bad for your oral health, which is why you’re better off saying “no, thank you” to these four food items this holiday season.


Is Dental Insurance Worth the Price?

October 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — adcallen @ 10:16 pm
Happy senior man at dentist, using his dental insurance

As a frugal individual, you are probably always thinking about how you can cut out unnecessary expenses. You might do things like cancel streaming subscriptions that you never use, get takeout a little less often, and look for sales on items that you need. But where does dental insurance fit into your budget? Is it an extra cost that you should get rid of, or is it actually a valuable provision that can save you money? Let’s talk about why it falls into the latter category.


Discover the Anti-Aging Power of Dental Implants

September 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — adcallen @ 10:25 pm
Mature women with dental implants in Allen, smiling confidently

Skin care, exercise, and a balanced diet are just a few essential components of looking and feeling young. But your smile also has a large bearing on how old you look. If you have suffered tooth loss, a traditional denture or bridge can do much to enhance your appearance. However, they are not ideal tooth replacements. What about dental implants? Do dental implants make you look younger? Yes. Let’s talk about why they are the best way to rebuild your smile.


Can Dental Implants Help You Live Longer?

August 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — adcallen @ 10:20 pm
Senior couple enjoying long life expectancy with dental implants in Allen

Exercise, a smart diet, and avoidance of bad habits are some of the primary pillars of a long and healthy life. But they are really just the tip of the iceberg. Your dental health may also play a large role in how long you live. Specifically, tooth loss is associated with a number of conditions that could lead to early mortality. In this blog, we consider why that is the case and how dental implants in Allen may be able to extend your life expectancy.

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