If you have an upcoming appointment for wisdom tooth extractions, it is understandable if you are a bit nervous about what to expect after your procedure. Some soreness, swelling, and other side effects are quite common. However, if you carefully follow your dental team’s post-op instructions, there is a very small chance that you will run into any complications. Here is a basic guide on what you may experience during wisdom tooth recovery:
Everyone heals at different rates. Generally speaking, though, most people are back to feeling normal within 10 – 14 days of their surgery. Here is an overview of how your recovery might proceed:
Of course, any instructions from your dental team should supersede generalized guidelines. However, the below tips can give you a broad idea of what you can do to facilitate an easy and smooth recovery.
You may need to bite down on a gauze pad for a while to control any bleeding. Your dentist might also recommend that you ice your face in 15-minute intervals to keep swelling to a minimum. If you were sedated during your surgery, you may feel groggy for several hours (or longer), so you should have a friend or family member drive you home from the dental office.
As long as your mouth is still sore, it would be wise to stick to a soft diet. Foods like brothy soups, smoothies, and even ice cream are acceptable. Crunchy, hard, and chewy foods should be avoided until you are fairly well-recovered.
It would be wise to take at least 2 – 3 days off of work or school following your procedure. Pushing yourself to do too much too soon could slow down your healing process and make you feel exhausted. It is also recommended that you avoid vigorous physical activity for at least several days.
Dry socket is a complication that occurs when the blood clot at an extraction site gets prematurely dislodged. You can reduce your risk of suffering from it by not drinking from a straw, avoiding smoking, and not spitting for at least the first 24 – 48 hours of your recovery period. You should also avoid brushing your surgical sites for at least 3 or 4 days.
Wisdom tooth recovery goes smoothly for most people. Of course, if you run into any questions or concerns while you are healing, you should call your dental team right away. They will do all they can to help you!
Meet the Practice
Under the leadership of Dr. Keyvan Kar, Advanced Dental Care of Allen offers a broad range of services, including wisdom tooth removal. If you have questions about this procedure or anything else that relates to your oral health, we would be pleased to speak with you. Contact us at 214-260-9911.